Utah’s Weirdest Laws of 2022

Utah, often celebrated for its stunning natural beauty and outdoor adventures, has another dimension that is equally captivating – its weird laws. These laws, some dating back to the 19th century, offer a glimpse into the state’s unique legal landscape. From beaver-related conundrums to restrictions on milk buying practices, Utah’s laws are nothing short of fascinating. In this exhaustive article, we explore these peculiar laws in great detail, providing insights into their origins, practical applications, and contemporary relevance.

Beaver Battle: UT Code § 23-18-4

Requesting authorization to deal with beaver nuisances

  • The Law: UT Code § 23-18-4 grants citizens in Utah the authority to request permission from the Wildlife Board to kill or trap beavers causing damage to private property. This law essentially addresses beaver infestations that pose a threat to private property.
  • Historical Context: Beavers, known for their dam-building activities, have sometimes come into conflict with property owners. This law was enacted to provide a legal recourse for those facing such issues.
  • Practical Application: While the law may seem unusual, it can be a valuable tool for property owners dealing with beaver-related problems. It ensures that the beavers are not needlessly harmed but rather managed in a controlled manner.
  • Enforcement: The enforcement of this law varies based on the specific circumstances and the cooperation of property owners. It is rarely invoked but remains an option when needed.

Milk Equality: UT Code § 76-6-105

Understanding the prohibition on milk discrimination

Section of LawUT Code § 76-6-105
ProhibitionBusinesses buying milk products cannot discriminate between different areas of the state.
Violation ConsequenceViolating this law can result in a class B misdemeanor.
RationaleThe law aims to ensure fairness in the distribution and pricing of milk products across Utah. It prevents businesses from favoring certain regions over others.
ConsequencesBusinesses found guilty of milk discrimination can face criminal charges and fines. The law underscores the importance of equitable access to essential goods.
Historical SignificanceReflects a time when disparities in access to goods were of concern.
Contemporary RelevanceWith modern transportation and distribution systems, milk discrimination is less likely to occur. However, the law remains on the books as a historical artifact.

Hands-on Handlebars: UT Code § 41-6a-1112

The rationale behind the ‘hands-on handlebars’ law

  • The Law: UT Code § 41-6a-1112 mandates that cyclists and moped riders must keep both hands on the handlebars at all times while operating their vehicles.
  • Safety Concerns: The law is rooted in safety considerations. It ensures that riders maintain proper control of their bicycles or mopeds, reducing the risk of accidents.
  • Modern Relevance: In an era of increased distracted driving, the law underscores the importance of undivided attention while operating two-wheeled vehicles.
  • Enforcement: This law is enforced to varying degrees, often in response to specific incidents or violations. Violators can face fines and citations.

Catastrophe Caution: UT Code § 76-6-105

Defining a catastrophe in weird laws in Utah

  • The Law: UT Code § 76-6-105 designates causing a catastrophe as a first-degree felony, defined as widespread injury or damage by destructive forces.
  • Definition: A catastrophe, under this law, encompasses events like explosions, fires, floods, avalanches, building collapses, and other harmful or destructive forces or substances.
  • Notable Cases: Instances of this law being invoked are relatively rare, given the specific criteria for a catastrophe. It typically involves extreme circumstances.
  • Controversies: The law has sparked debates about the severity of penalties and what constitutes a catastrophe. Some argue that it should be reserved for acts of terrorism or extreme negligence.

Explosive Fishing: Utah Fishing 2019 Guidebook

Alt: Silhouette of fishermen casting off in wooden boats for early morning fishing.

Banning unconventional methods of fishing

  • The Law: According to the Utah Fishing 2019 Guidebook, using chemical substances, explosives, electricity, poison, firearms, pellet guns, or archery equipment to take fish or crayfish is prohibited.
  • Exceptions: Common carp are an exception to this rule, allowing the use of crossbows and spears for their control.
  • Conservation Implications: The law promotes responsible and sustainable fishing practices while protecting aquatic ecosystems.
  • Enforcement: Wildlife officials enforce these regulations to safeguard fish populations and aquatic environments.

Low Hats, No Problem (1898): The Revised Statutes

Historical context of the ‘low hats’ law

  • The Law: In 1898, it was considered a misdemeanor in Utah for people to wear excessively high hats inside theaters. This law aimed to maintain decorum during public performances.
  • Evolution of Fashion: The law reflects the fashion sensibilities of the late 19th century, where towering hats could obstruct the view of others in crowded theaters.
  • Enforcement: While this law is no longer on the books, it offers a glimpse into the cultural norms and expectations of the time.

Provo Peculiarities: Provo Municipal Codes 9.14

Analyzing Provo’s strict stance on snowball fights

  • The Law: According to Provo Municipal Codes 9.14, anyone who willfully or carelessly throws stones, sticks, snowballs, or other missiles that could harm people or property within the city limits is guilty of a misdemeanor.
  • Railroad Track Restrictions: The same section of the code also prohibits putting torpedoes or explosives on any track or rail over which cars pass.
  • Public Safety: These regulations aim to ensure public safety by preventing dangerous activities in urban areas.
  • Enforcement: While not frequently enforced, these laws serve as a deterrent to reckless behavior.

Auctioneer Decibels: Salt Lake City Code 5.54.310

The motivations behind limiting noise during auctions

  • The Law: Salt Lake City Code 5.54.310 once outlawed auctioneers from using loud instruments or noise-making means to attract buyers during auctions.
  • Historical Context: The law reflects a time when auctions were lively and often noisy affairs, with competing auctioneers trying to outdo each other.
  • Impact on Auction Traditions: This law likely led to changes in auctioneer practices, promoting more orderly and less disruptive auctions.
  • Modern Auctions: Today, auctions have evolved, and the need for such restrictions has diminished.

Dumb Laws in Utah: Dance with Daylight in Monroe, Utah

Shedding light on the ‘visible daylight’ requirement

  • The Law: In January 2000, Utah’s representatives highlighted a law from Monroe, Utah, which stated that daylight must be visible between partners on a dance floor.
  • Historical Context: This law reflects conservative social norms and expectations regarding physical proximity during dancing.
  • Enforcement: The law is rarely enforced today and is often seen as a relic of the past.

No Whale Hunting (Federal): Marine Mammal Protection Act

Alt: Distant view of a boat with a whale tail descending into the water.

Understanding the federal law that transcends state boundaries

  • The Law: The federal Marine Mammal Protection Act makes it unlawful for anyone to take any species of whale incident to commercial whaling in waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.
  • Whaleless Utah: While Utah does not have a coastline and is far from traditional whaling grounds, this law underscores the importance of marine conservation.
  • Landlocked Concerns: The law highlights the federal government’s commitment to protecting marine life even in landlocked states like Utah.
  • Endangered Whales: UT Code § 23-15-9 specifies that it’s unlawful to possess or transport live protected aquatic wildlife, including endangered whales, except as provided by law or regulations.

Librarian’s Authority: UT Code § 76-6-803.60

The power of librarians in detaining library thieves

  • The Law: UT Code § 76-6-803.60 empowers library employees to detain individuals they have probable cause to believe have committed library theft, on or off library premises.
  • Balancing Privacy and Security: This law raises questions about the balance between safeguarding library property and individual rights.
  • Real-Life Instances: There have been cases where librarians have exercised this authority to prevent theft of library materials.

Skunk and Fox Freedom: UT Code § 23-18-6

The logic behind permitting the taking of skunks and foxes

  • The Law: UT Code § 23-18-6 allows individuals to take red foxes and skunks without a license, under specific circumstances.
  • Conservation Considerations: The law takes into account the need for managing certain wildlife populations while also recognizing the importance of wildlife preservation.
  • Responsibilities: Individuals who exercise this right must do so responsibly and in accordance with the law’s provisions.


Dumb laws in Utah, whether rooted in historical context or reflecting unique societal concerns, provide a captivating glimpse into the state’s legal landscape. From beavers and milk to dancing etiquette and auctioneers, these laws leave us with a sense of wonderment. While many of them are relics of the past, they continue to be a source of fascination and curiosity, reminding us of the quirkiness that can be found in the realm of legislation.

As you navigate the scenic wonders of Utah, remember that beneath the natural beauty lies a rich tapestry of legal oddities that add to the state’s charm and intrigue. While some may chuckle at these crazy laws in Utah, they serve as a testament to the evolving values and priorities of society over time. Utah’s weird laws, like its landscapes, are a part of the state’s unique tapestry, and they invite us to explore and appreciate the diversity of human expression and governance.


Q1. Are these laws still enforced?

A1. Many of these laws are outdated or rarely enforced, but they remain on the books.

Q2. Can I really take a skunk or red fox without a license?

A2. Yes, according to Utah law, you can take these animals without a license.

Q3. Why do such quirky laws exist in Utah?

A3. These laws often reflect historical or unique circumstances and may not have been repealed.

Q4. Are there penalties for violating these laws?

A4. Yes, violating these laws can result in fines or even criminal charges, depending on the offense.

Q5. Are there other unusual laws in Utah?

A5. Yes, Utah has a plethora of unusual laws worth exploring, each with its own peculiar backstory.